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The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.

18.01.2020 – Speaker, Sir, this is not just limited to Meru County. Sudan crisis. In the first instance, I would have expected him to stand out at his place and condemn his governor for accepting the equipment regardless of everything else. Sometimes you have to practically run into the toilet. People will now increasingly focus on population because the bigger the number of people a county has, the more the resources they will get.

A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. Order, Sen. It is time for Papers. You have a Paper to lay first before you make your Statement.

Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion:- The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.

This is pursuant to Standing Order No.

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However, on the question of charcoal, I have also been accused because I was at one time the Minister for Defence. God is above me, that I did not know Kismayu.

I do not even have a canteen, leave alone a shop, to do the charcoal business. Anyway, I will ask the Cabinet Secretary to give a full answer to this.

Let us have the answer in two weeks time. Speaker, Sir, I regret to report that despite efforts to obtain a response, we have not been fortunate to be furnished with any.

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But we are still pursuing the matter with the relevant Ministry. Leshore, Sen. Obure says that he has no response for you, but he is still pursuing the relevant authorities.

It is going down and they are selling planes and slots in Heathrow. Their pilots are also on a go-slow. The Chairman should request the authorities to give us the response soon.

Speaker, Sir, the sentiments expressed by the Senator for Samburu are shared by many Kenyans. We appreciate the importance of this matter and I can assure the Senator that we will do everything to make sure that we get an elaborate answer to his request.

The Notice of Motion was given and it is now at the debate stage. Some residents of Parklands and Ngara said they heard it. North face jackets for women meru county government Upside-down House Delights Chinese Visitors. They went on further to reveal that while under observation in the holding facility, Ms Okoye emitted 15 pellets of the unidentified narcotic.

Speaker, Sir, pursuant to Standing Order No. Speaker, Sir, I want to confirm that indeed Meru Level 5 Hospital is one of the senior hospitals, even before devolution.

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I want to join Sen. Murungi in condemning the Governor of Meru. What he is doing is actually a crime against not only the people of Meru, but even the surrounding counties that would stand to benefit from this equipment.

It should not escape the people of this country that there is a lot of trade unionism within the ranks of the Council of Governors CoGs.

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I believe that it is this trade unionism that is forcing my brother, Gov. Munya, who I have a lot of respect for, to refuse to accept the equipment.

A section of governors felt that they should have procured that equipment directly. Therefore, he is doing it so as to please the rest of the governors, since he is their chairman.

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I want to appeal to Gov. Munya that when it comes to some things, one has to reach a stage where one retreats. The point has been made that governors would have preferred to procure, but since the Government has gone ahead and done the wrong thing anyway, let them accept the equipment, so that our people can benefit from it.

Speaker, Sir, this is not just limited to Meru County. Even in Kakamega County we are yet to enjoy this equipment that we were looking forward to, to change the medical sector by way of accessibility to cheap and nearby equipment by renal, diabetic and cancer patients.

Speaker, Sir, the Statement by the Senator for Meru is shocking. Therefore, he occupies a very important office.

Therefore, to imagine that today, children and women in that county can be denied essential and critical medical services because of the perceived fear, arrogance or both of the governor, is a shame and a disaster.

Speaker, Sir, some of the actions by these governors, like declining to accept medical equipment which affects the life and health of patients are tantamount to abuse of office.

There is nowhere in the world where a leader in public service and in charge of an institution can refuse to accept equipment, services or any other support from the national Government where you are part of one nation.

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There seems to be a perception by the governors that they are totally divorced from the national Government, yet, it is very clear in our Constitution that the governance units are interdependent.

It is the national Government which finances them and, therefore, there is nothing wrong if the national Government funds them or gives them equipment and resources in the same way you accept those resources from donors, Non- Governmental Organisations NGOs and other third parties.

It is a shame and we must not allow, as a nation, that level of impunity which will ultimately lead to collapse of essential services in our country.

It is important that as we are going to celebrate the third anniversary of devolution — and it will be celebrated in no place other than Meru County itself, this is where the nation is heading in the next couple of days.

It will be a shame for leaders across this country, from all levels of Government to go to Meru, yet the leader of the CoG cannot The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.

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Speaker, Sir, thank you for giving me an opportunity to sympathise with the Senator for Meru, I am sure these sympathies will go to me as well.

The Governor for Meru probably tried a bit and even signed for the equipment but the governor of my county, Bomet, who was the first chair of all the governors in the country, brought these bad manners of not serving the people in that capacity, by not signing the documents at all.

It is only after enormous pressure from the people that he allowed the County Executive Committee Member CEC for Health to allow the use of rooms which were available for this equipment.

Against all odds, the public made sure that the equipment was installed against the wishes of the governor. The governor, like all the other governors, has no remorse at all.

Even after the equipment had been installed, several residents of the county are still dying, but the governors are not reevaluating their concern for the citizenry despite the enormous loss of human life.

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This is one of the greatest omissions in terms of performing work that should be considered as criminal. Action should be taken against abuse of office that costs the lives of wananchi.

They are supposed to look into some of these things.

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It is about time that they woke up and dealt with this for the benefit of the Kenyan citizens. I sympathise with what the governors are doing.

It is costing lives and I hope that something will be done to save lives. Speaker, Sir, I join my colleagues in condemning this situation in Meru.

What the governor for Meru is doing is a crime.

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Women and children are suffering because of lack of equipment. The governor is doing this because of his personal interest; nothing else.

He should be held accountable for this heinous crime. For some of us who come from Isiolo and part of upper Eastern region, we consider Meru to be where we can go to, whenever we have challenges in accessing some of those facilities.

The constitutional provision is very clear in terms of the right to health care in this country. As leaders we should not accept such a situation to happen in our country.

We should hold the governors accountable, especially the governor for Meru, for this action.

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This is very serious. We should come out and condemn it. The money he is refusing to pay is not his money. I do not know where he will get money to buy his own equipment.

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He is not taking that equipment to his own house. We have to condemn this The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.

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The action by the governor is denying access to medical facilities in respect of those in need of them. This Senate had been petitioned by governors through a memorandum to the effect that they had not been consulted regarding the leasing of this equipment by the national Government.

About ten days ago, we met the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to Health in this Chamber. We interrogated him on issues relating to procurement of the equipment.

He demonstrated to us that there were meetings with governors and county health executives discussing the procurement process. In fact, he showed us agreements signed by 46 of the 47 governors signaling the acceptance to installation of the equipment in their various health facilities.

I want to appeal to the Governor of Meru, purely on humanitarian grounds, that he facilitates the installation of the equipment at Meru hospital. This will ease the burden of.

Speaker, Sir, it is important to note that some of the governors are trying to ride on very dangerous roads and this is one of them in the name of Governor Munya.

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He happens to be the Governor of Meru County which is among the Mt. Kenya region counties.

I know of one governor who within the first one year of devolution bought a property in Nairobi worth Kshs million. North face jackets for women meru county government Kitui County is a victim of theft.

Therefore, if something happens in Meru, it affects the entire region. When it comes to hospitals and health facilities, it is not to be used by one county only.

It is a facility to be enjoyed by people living along the road leading to Isiolo and people living in Mt. Kenya region and other far flung areas.

Therefore, if one person solely decides that it will not happen on behalf of about one or two million people, then there is something wrong.

I sympathize with my friend, Sen. Murungi and other counties which have the same problems but are suffering silently. We need to probe and find out whether the same thing is happening in other counties so that the counties suffering like Meru County can be assisted.

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The governor has no right to deny them the privilege to enjoy those machines. Kirinyaga County, for instance, was given two machines but the governor decided to give one to a hospital near his home instead of considering a hospital called Kimbimbi which is along a very busy road.

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He instead gave it to Kianyaga where he comes from. We need to decide whether the governors should be left alone to decide what happens in the counties without considering public opinion.

Our people are suffering at the expense of the governors. Therefore, something should be done urgently. Asante sana Bw.

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